You are ENOUGH

You are Enough

I know we live in a world filled with images on who we are suppose to be, how we are suppose to look, and WHAT we need to do in order to be h a p p y. The truth is, all is need is yourself (genuine family and friends included of course). You don't need to try to be someone or something that you are not. I know it's hard because I'm dealing with this now. I would consider myself to be a strong person. However, when you spend time with enough people who say certain things or make a comment here or there, you start to ponder and doubt yourself a bit. The sure person you were isn't so sure anymore. 

I am just here to remind myself and y o u to be the person you once were. The person who was strong and self-assured, not needing anyone to validate him/her because you were quite h a p p y where you were. Don't let people make you think you have to change who you are. If you change yourself to make someone else happy, y o u won't be happy. You think if you don't let up on a few things then you'd lose the person emotionally in some way. But that's not how it's suppose to be. If being yourself causes a rift in your relationship then maybe it's time me and you consider letting go. I have let go but I am dealing with the after effects of everything that once was.

You sit and replay scenarios in your head of what once was and you think, maybe if I did that or the third... But NO, you would be changing who you are and most importantly, w h o God has called you to be. I keep hearing this phrase lately "You are who you attract," I never really fully understood it but I am starting to now. If you are broken and not whole, guess what? You will attract other broken people. If you are insecure or unsure of yourself in some ways, guess what? You might stay in a relationship that might not be the healthiest for you. Now if you are strong and whole, guess what? You will attract strong and whole people.

Simple, right? Well, it's easier said than done.

I am writing to remind myself that I am e n o u g h. "Failed" relationships don't define you. In fact, they help you to grow in some shape or form. I've also been hearing this phrase in my head "If God chose me before I was born, then I will be n o o n e's option. If I'm not an o p t I o n to God then I'm sure as heck not going to allow myself to be an o p t I o n to anybody else." YOU, ME, WE are e n o u g h, JUST the way we are. We are loved by God and one day he will place someone in our lives that loves us the way he does, who appreciates us for who we a r e and not who they are trying to make us become."

I hope this post was clear. If it wasn't, I apologize. I am trying to be transparent without giving all the details away. If you get anything from this post, it should be this: be y o u r s e l f, the most a u t h e n t I c version of yourself possible. DO what makes YOU happy and while you are becoming whole, God will work on everything else. This is a hard pill to swallow for someone who likes being in control or at least having some foresight. As I've been hearing "Let me be G R E A T. Let me be GOD." I'm not God, and never will be. I'm just learning to back off as he orchestrates my life together. It's not easy but He will give me the peace and joy needed to endure. L i v e for today and hope for tomorrow. Live wisely and be led by God in ALL things. Life is less stressful that way.

I have to say, even though I might have my sad days, I am h a p p i e r and feel a sense of freedom, like a weight has been lighted off my shoulders. This is what this whole blog is about, connecting and finding myself day by day. If I have learned one thing it's not to get distracted by other people, relationship or not, just put one foot in front of the other and keep it move. I know, easier said than done, but we have God and that is enough. I  a m E N O U G H . 

-xx Yan


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