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You are ENOUGH

You are Enough I know we live in a world filled with images on who we are suppose to be, how we are suppose to look, and WHAT we need to do in order to be h a p p y. The truth is, all is need is yourself (genuine family and friends included of course). You don't need to try to be someone or something that you are not. I know it's hard because I'm dealing with this now. I would consider myself to be a strong person. However, when you spend time with enough people who say certain things or make a comment here or there, you start to ponder and doubt yourself a bit. The sure person you were isn't so sure anymore.  I am just here to remind myself and y o u to be the person you once were. The person who was strong and self-assured, not needing anyone to validate him/her because you were quite h a p p y where you were. Don't let people make you think you have to change who you are. If you change yourself to make someone else happy, y o u won't be happy. Yo

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